25 Best Angelfish Tank Mates
Angelfish are stunning creatures known for their grace and elegance as they glide through the water. However, they can sometimes be finicky about their tank mates. As an angelfish enthusiast, I’ve spent countless hours researching and experimenting with different fish pairings to create the perfect aquatic community.
So, allow me to share my knowledge with you and present the 25 best angelfish tank mates to create a harmonious and beautiful underwater world.
Guppy Fish
Guppy fish are among the most popular and colorful choices for a community tank. Their vibrant colors and lively behavior make them a favorite among angelfish enthusiasts, and they also play a significant role in maintaining a balanced environment.
- Compatibility: 4/5
- Min. Tank Size: 5 gallons
- Care Level: Easy
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, enjoy food like brine shrimp, flake food, and vegetable matter
- Max. Size: 2.5 inches
Guppies are adaptable, peaceful, and can even tolerate a wide range of water conditions, making them an ideal tank mate for angelfish. Their small size and active nature will provide visual interest for both you and your graceful angelfish friends.
Molly Fish
Molly fish are another fantastic addition to an angelfish tank. These friendly fish come in various colors, adding diversity and brightness to your aquatic world.
- Compatibility: 4/5
- Min. Tank Size: 20 gallons
- Care Level: Easy
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, variety of foods including flakes, pellets, algae, and small live foods
- Max. Size: 4.5 inches
Mollies are very peaceful and social, making them perfect companions for your angelfish. They are also hardy and adaptable, being able to thrive in a variety of water conditions. They help maintain a cleaner tank by consuming algae and detritus.
With their easy care and compatibility, molly fish make an excellent choice to coexist with angelfish in your stunning aquatic community.
Platy Fish
Platy fish are small, colorful, and peaceful freshwater fish, making them another excellent choice to pair with your angelfish. They are known for their hardiness and adaptability, which further contribute to a thriving and harmonious community tank.
- Compatibility: 4/5
- Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
- Care Level: Easy
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, enjoy tropical flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods
- Max. Size: 2.5 inches
Platies are not only visually appealing, but they also help maintain a clean environment by consuming algae. They are compatible with a wide variety of tank mates, making them ideal companions for angelfish.
Their peaceful nature and easy care make platy fish a popular choice among aquarists looking to create a vibrant and harmonious aquatic world.
Swordtail Fish
Swordtail fish, with their impressive, elongated lower tail fin, are another excellent option to pair with angelfish in a community tank. They are known for their bold and active nature, which provides both entertainment and visual appeal.
- Compatibility: 3.5/5
- Min. Tank Size: 15 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, prefer a varied diet of flakes, live, and frozen foods
- Max. Size: 4 inches
Swordtails are generally peaceful but can occasionally be territorial or nippy, especially among males. To reduce potential aggression, maintain a ratio of one male to several females.
They do best in warmer water with plenty of plants, making them well-suited to share a home with your angelfish. Their striking fins and interesting personalities make swordtail fish a delightful addition to your aquatic community.
Neon Tetras
Neon tetras are small, vibrantly colored fish that are beloved for their iridescent blue and red stripes. They make a visually striking addition to your angelfish tank and contribute to creating a captivating underwater world.
- Compatibility: 3/5
- Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, appreciate a varied diet of flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods
- Max. Size: 1.5 inches
These eye-catching fish are social and prefer to be in schools of six or more, providing an enchanting display as they swim together. While they are generally peaceful, angelfish may view them as prey due to their small size.
So, it’s essential to keep an eye on their interactions and ensure a harmonious coexistence. With careful observation, neon tetras can become charming and vibrant members of your angelfish community.
Black Skirt Tetras
Black skirt tetras are an attractive fish species with striking black vertical stripes on their silvery bodies. Their unique appearance adds variety and contrast to a colorful angelfish tank.
- Compatibility: 4/5
- Min. Tank Size: 15 gallons
- Care Level: Easy
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, require a balanced diet of flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods
- Max. Size: 2.5 inches
These peaceful and active fish enjoy swimming in groups, so it’s best to keep them in schools of six or more for their comfort and happiness. They are hardy and can adapt to various water conditions, making them a stress-free choice for angelfish tank mates.
With their captivating color pattern, black skirt tetras provide a touch of diversity to your angelfish community and contribute to a lively and visually appealing underwater environment.
Rosy Tetras
Rosy tetras are an elegant species known for their subtle pink hue and shimmering scales. With their serene demeanor, they make an excellent tank mate for the similarly graceful angelfish.
- Compatibility: 4/5
- Min. Tank Size: 15 gallons
- Care Level: Easy
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, enjoy a mix of high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen food
- Max. Size: 1.5 inches
These tranquil fish are schooling species and thrive in groups of six or more, which also creates a beautiful visual effect as they swim together. They prefer a well-planted tank with ample hiding spots, which mirrors the ideal angelfish environment.
Rosy tetras not only add a hint of elegance to the aquarium but also maintain a harmonious atmosphere with their peaceful nature and easygoing temperament.
Rummy Nose Tetras
Rummy nose tetras are a fascinating species characterized by their striking red head, captivating eye pattern, and distinctively striped tail. These small and active fish make delightful angelfish companions.
- Compatibility: 4/5
- Min. Tank Size: 20 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, prefer a varied diet including high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods
- Max. Size: 2 inches
Rummy nose tetras enjoy swimming in schools, so it’s best to house them in groups of at least six to create an engaging visual effect. They require a stable and well-maintained environment, making them better suited for more experienced aquarists.
These active and colorful fish not only enhance the aesthetics of your angelfish tank but also contribute to a thriving aquatic community with their peaceful and engaging nature.
Zebra Danio
Zebra danios are a lively, hardy, and playful species that feature vibrant horizontal stripes, adding contrast and activity to your angelfish tank.
- Compatibility: 3.5/5
- Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
- Care Level: Easy
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, enjoy a variety of food such as flakes, pellets, freeze-dried, and live food
- Max. Size: 2 inches
These spirited and adaptable fish prefer to be in groups of at least six, creating a dynamic and entertaining environment. However, their brisk swimming and active nature may sometimes stress out the more placid angelfish.
To reduce potential stress, ensure that your tank has adequate space and plenty of plants or hiding spots for your angelfish to retreat to. With proper care and attention, zebra danios can bring energy and excitement to your aquarium while maintaining a harmonious relationship with their angelfish tank mates.
Discus Fish
Discus fish are a majestic and mesmerizing species famous for their vivid colors and distinct disc-like shape, making them a stunning addition to any angelfish tank.
- Compatibility: 4/5
- Min. Tank Size: 55 gallons
- Care Level: Challenging
- Diet & Feeding: Carnivore, require a high-quality diet consisting of various live or frozen foods
- Max. Size: 8 inches
These captivating fish are considered demanding due to their specific water parameter and dietary requirements, making them better suited for experienced aquarists. They are generally peaceful and prefer a calm, well-planted environment to thrive, making them compatible with angelfish.
However, due to their larger size, a spacious and well-maintained tank is crucial to keep both discus and angelfish happy and healthy. If you’re up for the challenge, discus fish can make a truly remarkable addition to your stunning angelfish community.
Kuhli Loaches
Kuhli loaches are a fascinating eel-like species known for their slender, elongated bodies and unique swimming style, providing an interesting contrast to your angelfish tank.
- Compatibility: 4.5/5
- Min. Tank Size: 20 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, require a varied diet of sinking pellets, live or frozen foods, and vegetable matter
- Max. Size: 4 inches
These nocturnal bottom dwellers are peaceful and shy, preferring the company of their kind in a group of at least three. They appreciate a tank with plenty of hiding spaces and a soft substrate to burrow.
Their docile nature and compatibility with angelfish make them an excellent choice for maintaining a serene aquatic community. Moreover, kuhli loaches help control detritus buildup, ensuring a cleaner environment for your angelfish to flourish.
Female Bettas
Female bettas are a beautiful and versatile option for an angelfish tank, offering an attractive appearance without the aggression often associated with male bettas.
- Compatibility: 3.5/5
- Min. Tank Size: 5 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Carnivore, require a high-protein diet of pellets, live, or frozen foods
- Max. Size: 2.5 inches
While generally peaceful, female bettas can still exhibit some territorial behavior, so it’s essential to monitor their interactions with angelfish and provide sufficient swimming space for all inhabitants.
They thrive in similar water parameter conditions to angelfish, making them an overall compatible choice for a community tank. Adding female bettas to your angelfish environment brings diversity and charm while maintaining a balanced and harmonious aquatic world.
Ram Cichlids
Ram cichlids, also known as dwarf cichlids, are a vibrant and captivating species that bring both color and character to your angelfish tank.
- Compatibility: 4/5
- Min. Tank Size: 20 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, enjoy a balanced diet of high-quality pellets or flakes, combined with live or frozen foods
- Max. Size: 3 inches
These small cichlids are renowned for their peaceful and social nature, making them an ideal tank mate for angelfish. They require a stable and well-maintained environment, ample hiding spots, and a preference for slightly warmer water.
When these criteria are met, ram cichlids exhibit fascinating and entertaining behavior that can enrich the overall atmosphere of your angelfish community. Their compatibility and captivating presence make ram cichlids an excellent addition to your vibrant underwater world.
Dwarf Gourami
Dwarf gouramis are a visually striking species known for their colorfully patterned bodies and unique shape, making them an appealing tank mate for angelfish.
- Compatibility: 3.5/5
- Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, thrive on a well-rounded diet of flakes, pellets, live or frozen foods, and vegetables
- Max. Size: 3 inches
These tranquil fish prefer a calm and well-planted tank environment, providing a harmonious setting for coexistence with angelfish. However, be aware that dwarf gouramis can sometimes be timid, possibly causing stress if angelfish show aggressive tendencies.
With proper care and attention to maintaining a peaceful environment, dwarf gouramis can bring intense color and elegance to your angelfish community. Their distinctive appearance and charm create a captivating and diverse aquatic world.
Kribensis Cichlids
Kribensis cichlids are an attractive and robust species that contribute an interesting dynamic to an angelfish tank, thanks to their lively behavior and colorful appearance.
- Compatibility: 3/5
- Min. Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, appreciate a varied diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods
- Max. Size: 4 inches
These active fish are generally considered peaceful; however, they can display territorial tendencies, primarily during breeding periods. To promote harmony between kribensis cichlids and angelfish, provide a spacious and well-decorated tank with ample hiding spots.
With careful monitoring and proper tank conditions, kribensis cichlids can bring excitement and beauty to your angelfish community, creating a visually enticing and dynamic underwater world.
Keyhole Cichlids
Keyhole cichlids are a peaceful and understated species known for their characteristically shaped spot that resembles a keyhole, providing your angelfish tank with a unique touch.
- Compatibility: 4/5
- Min. Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, require a well-balanced diet of flakes, pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods
- Max. Size: 4 inches
Their gentle temperament makes them an ideal tank mate for angelfish, as they coexist harmoniously without causing any undue stress. Keyhole cichlids appreciate a calm and moderately planted environment, which matches the preferred conditions for angelfish.
With their distinctive appearance and tranquil nature, keyhole cichlids are a brilliant addition to your angelfish community, bringing diversity and serenity to your elegant aquatic wonderland.
Boesemani Rainbowfish
Boesemani rainbowfish are an enchanting species that captivate with their iridescent, multicolored bodies, making them a visually stunning addition to any angelfish tank.
- Compatibility: 3.5/5
- Min. Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, thrive on a balanced diet of flakes, pellets, live, or frozen foods
- Max. Size: 4 inches
These active and social fish prefer to be in schools of six or more, delivering a vibrant and dynamic display as they swim together. Although they are generally peaceful, it’s essential to provide ample space and hiding spots to accommodate both the energetic swimming of rainbowfish and the graceful movements of angelfish.
With their spectacular colors and active nature, Boesemani rainbowfish can bring life and beauty to your captivating angelfish community.
Black Knifefish
Black knifefish are a mesmerizing species characterized by their elongated, ribbon-like bodies and alluring swimming style, adding a fascinating element to your angelfish tank.
- Compatibility: 3/5
- Min. Tank Size: 75 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Carnivore, require smaller live or frozen food, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small fish
- Max. Size: 24 inches
These nocturnal and elusive fish may sometimes be territorial towards their tank mates, so it’s crucial to provide a well-planted and spacious tank to create separation and balance.
Although compatible with angelfish in terms of water parameters and temperature requirements, black knifefish can be voracious eaters of smaller fish.
Ensure that they are well-fed and that your angelfish are not at risk. With cautious monitoring, black knifefish can make a stunning and mesmerizing addition to your angelfish tank.
Otocinclus Catfish
Otocinclus catfish are a small and gentle species that can provide both functional and aesthetic benefits to your angelfish tank.
- Compatibility: 4.5/5
- Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Herbivore, primarily consume algae and biofilm, supplement with vegetables and algae wafers
- Max. Size: 2 inches
These unassuming bottom-dwellers are highly effective algae cleaners, contributing to a healthier tank environment for your angelfish. They are social fish and prefer to be in groups of at least three to feel secure and thrive.
Due to their peaceful nature and functional role as an algae eater, otocinclus catfish make a highly compatible and valuable addition to your angelfish community, creating a cleaner and more harmonious aquatic environment for all inhabitants.
Siamese Algae Eater
The Siamese algae eater is a highly efficient and beneficial cleaner, making it a practical and welcome addition to your angelfish tank.
- Compatibility: 4/5
- Min. Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Care Level: Easy
- Diet & Feeding: Herbivore, primarily feeds on algae, supplement with vegetables and algae-based food
- Max. Size: 6 inches
These hardy fish have an incredible talent for consuming various algae types, maintaining a clean and healthy environment for your angelfish. They are peaceful and typically get along well with angelfish and other tank mates.
It is essential, however, to provide ample swimming space and hiding spots to ensure everyone’s comfort. The Siamese algae eater’s functionality and compatibility make them an excellent choice for contributing to a thriving and balanced angelfish community.
Synodontis Catfish
Synodontis catfish are an intriguing and unique species that make for an interesting addition to an angelfish tank, offering both visual appeal and a complementary bottom-dwelling presence.
- Compatibility: 4/5
- Min. Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, appreciate a varied diet of pellets, live, and frozen foods, vegetables, and detritus
- Max. Size: 8 inches (size varies by species)
These nocturnal fish enjoy scavenging for food on the tank bottom, providing a balance to the mid-to-upper water level swimming of angelfish. Despite their slightly intimidating appearance, synodontis catfish are peaceful and can coexist comfortably with angelfish when provided with hiding spots and enough tank space.
They contribute a distinctive element to your aquatic community while maintaining harmony with their angelfish tank mates.
Hoplo Catfish
Hoplo catfish are a robust and adaptable species, making them a low-maintenance and enjoyable addition to your angelfish tank.
- Compatibility: 4/5
- Min. Tank Size: 40 gallons
- Care Level: Easy
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, require a varied diet of sinking pellets, live, and frozen foods, as well as vegetable matter
- Max. Size: 6 inches
These bottom-dwelling fish are relatively peaceful, coexisting well with angelfish and providing balance to the aquatic community. They are nocturnal scavengers and do best in tanks with hiding spaces and ample room to roam.
Hoplo catfish can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, making them a stress-free, compatible tank mate for angelfish. With their fascinating appearance and peaceful nature, hoplo catfish contribute to a diverse and engaging underwater environment for your angelfish to enjoy.
Cory Catfish
Cory catfish are a delightful and social species that add charm and diversity to your angelfish tank while serving as highly effective substrate cleaners.
- Compatibility: 5/5
- Min. Tank Size: 20 gallons
- Care Level: Easy
- Diet & Feeding: Omnivore, prefer sinking pellets, live, and frozen foods, supplemented with vegetable matter
- Max. Size: 2.5 inches (size varies by species)
These endearing bottom-dwellers are best housed in groups of six or more, which encourages their social and playful behavior. They are highly peaceful and coexist harmoniously with angelfish, making them an excellent tank mate choice.
With their comical antics and exceptional compatibility, cory catfish are a perfect addition to any angelfish community, creating a delightful and entertaining underwater world.
Bristlenose Pleco
Bristlenose Plecos are an interesting and resilient species, offering exceptional algae cleaning capabilities and a quirky appearance to your angelfish tank.
- Compatibility: 4.5/5
- Min. Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Herbivore, primarily feeds on algae, supplement with vegetables and algae wafers
- Max. Size: 5 inches
These hardy fish are characterized by the distinctive bristle-like structures on their heads and make ideal tank mates for angelfish due to their peaceful and non-territorial nature. They are most active during nighttime hours and require plenty of hiding spots for daytime rest.
With their exceptional algae-eating ability and easygoing temperament, bristlenose plecos contribute significantly to a balanced and vibrant angelfish community.
Hillstream Loach
Hillstream loaches are a fascinating species known for their unique flattened appearance and impressive algae-eating capabilities, making them an excellent addition to your angelfish tank.
- Compatibility: 4/5
- Min. Tank Size: 30 gallons
- Care Level: Moderate
- Diet & Feeding: Herbivore, primarily feeds on algae and biofilm, supplement with algae wafers and vegetable matter
- Max. Size: 3 inches
These intriguing bottom-dwellers are peaceful and well-suited to coexist with angelfish, creating a balanced and dynamic underwater environment. They require well-oxygenated water with a moderate to strong current, along with plenty of hiding spots to feel secure.
With their specialized algae-cleaning abilities and captivating appearance, hillstream loaches bring a unique and functional element to your angelfish community.
Tank Mates to Avoid Keeping with Angelfish
While many species can coexist peacefully with angelfish, some fish pose compatibility issues due to their temperament, size, or environmental needs.
- Aggressive species: Certain aggressive fish, like some larger cichlids, may harass or harm angelfish.
- Small, fast-moving species: These fish, such as some tetras, may instigate nipping at the long fins of angelfish.
- Coldwater species: Fish like goldfish may require significantly different temperatures and water conditions.
It is essential to research the compatibility of potential tank mates before adding them to your angelfish tank. Additionally, continuously monitoring the behavior and interactions between fish can help maintain a peaceful and thriving underwater environment for your angelfish and their companions.
Creating a harmonious angelfish community is both rewarding and visually captivating. By carefully selecting compatible tank mates, you can establish a thriving aquatic environment that caters to the unique characteristics of angelfish and their companions.
From colorful community fish to dedicated algae eaters, these 25 best angelfish tank mates offer a diverse range of species to enrich your angelfish tank.
With attention to the specific requirements of each species and a commitment to monitoring their interactions, your angelfish community will flourish, leaving you with a stunning underwater world to enjoy and admire.