20 Black Skirt Tetra Tank Mates

Discover the colorful world of Black Skirt Tetra Tank Mates as we dive into a fantastic underwater journey, exploring 20 marvelous species that can easily coexist with these elegant fish. Join me in this adventure, and let’s unveil the harmony of aquatic life together!

black skirt tetra tank mates

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Rosy Tetras

Rosy Tetras, also known as Hyphessobrycon rosaceus, are vibrant and peaceful fish species native to South America. They make great companions for Black Skirt Tetras in a peaceful community tank. Their beautiful pinkish-red hue is bound to add a touch of color to any aquarium.

Rosy Tetra

  • Compatibility: 5/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, requires a varied diet of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 1.5 inches

With proper care and a well-maintained tank, Rosy Tetras can thrive in your aquarium, displaying fascinating behavior and forming a harmonious living environment with their Black Skirt Tetra buddies.


Rummy Nose Tetras

Rummy Nose Tetras, scientifically known as Hemigrammus rhodostomus, are another excellent choice for Black Skirt Tetra tank mates. These South American natives are well-known for their striking red nose and unique black and white striped tail.

Rummy Nose Tetra

  • Compatibility: 5/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, enjoys a diverse diet of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 2 inches

Their active swimming behavior and peaceful disposition make them an ideal addition to a community tank. Just like their aquatic companions, Rummy Nose Tetras appreciate a well-planted tank with ample hiding spots, ensuring a happy and stress-free environment for all the aquarium’s inhabitants.


Neon Tetra

Neon Tetras (Paracheirodon innesi) are a classic addition to any community tank, sharing their South American roots with Black Skirt Tetras. Their striking blue and red stripes can complement the somber beauty of their fellow tank dwellers.

neon tetras planted tank

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, feeds on a variety of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 1.2 inches

Despite their small size, Neon Tetras have a strong presence in the aquarium, thanks to their vibrant colors and schooling behavior. They’re an entertaining and low-maintenance option to diversify and enliven your tank, making them ideal companions for Black Skirt Tetras.


Cardinal Tetra

Closely resembling the Neon Tetra, the Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) is yet another excellent tank mate option for Black Skirt Tetras. Hailing from South American blackwater habitats, they charm the aquarium with their iridescent blue and red stripes.

cardinal tetras

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, prefers a mixed diet of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 2 inches

Like other tetra species, Cardinal Tetras appreciate a densely planted tank with dim lighting, which provides comfort and mimics their natural habitat. Peaceful and schooling, these fish make an exquisite addition to your tank, contributing to its harmonious and lively aquatic world.


Emperor Tetra

Emperor Tetras (Nematobrycon palmeri) boast a regal appearance, true to their name, and originate from the rivers of Colombia. As excellent tank mates for Black Skirt Tetras, they add a touch of elegance to any community aquarium.

Emperor Tetra

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, enjoys a varied diet of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 1.8 inches

Adorned with a black stripe that runs through their iridescent blue-green bodies and possessing striking eye spots on their tails, Emperor Tetras gracefully swim around the tank, creating a captivating underwater scene. Their adaptable nature and peaceful demeanor ensure a harmonious living with Black Skirt Tetras.


Harlequin Rasbora

The Harlequin Rasbora (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) is a wonderful addition to any Black Skirt Tetra community tank. These small, peaceful fish from Southeast Asia mesmerize with their copper-orange bodies contrasted by a bold black triangular patch.

harlequin rasboras

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, requires a varied diet of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 2 inches

Harlequin Rasboras are known for their schooling behavior, and they enjoy swimming in the middle levels of the tank. With their charm and distinctive appearance, they effortlessly complement Black Skirt Tetras, creating a fascinating and colorful underwater community for you to enjoy.


Zebra Danio

Zebra Danios (Danio rerio) hail from the Himalayan region and are known for their distinct black and white horizontal stripes, making them an attractive addition to a Black Skirt Tetra community tank.

zebra danio

  • Compatibility: 3/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, needs a diversified diet of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 2 inches

Although they may require a bit of extra attention due to their active nature and faster swimming pace, Zebra Danios can coexist with Black Skirt Tetras if provided with plenty of space and hiding spots. Their contrasting patterns create a delightful symphony of motion in your aquarium.


Kuhli Loach

Kuhli Loaches (Pangio kuhlii), with their enigmatic eel-like appearance, can be spectacular tank mates for Black Skirt Tetras. Originating from Southeast Asia, they bring a unique flair to your community aquarium.

Kuhli Loach

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, enjoys a variety of sinking pellets, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 4 inches

These nocturnal creatures spend most of their time hiding in the substrate and crevices, emerging during feeding times or when the lights are dimmed. Although Kuhli Loaches require more attention in terms of tank setup and hiding places, they are a fascinating and peaceful addition to a Black Skirt Tetra community.


Celestial Pearl Danio

Celestial Pearl Danios (Danio margaritatus), also known as Galaxy Rasboras, are small, stunning fish originating from Myanmar. Their starry pattern of bright colors makes them a visually spectacular choice for a Black Skirt Tetra community tank.

celestial pearl danio

  • Compatibility: 3/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, thrives on a mix of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 1 inch

Although they might be a bit shy at first, these peaceful fish can adjust to the company of Black Skirt Tetras when given ample hiding spaces and a heavily planted environment. The addition of Celestial Pearl Danios will only enhance the beauty of your aquarium.


Rosy Barb

Rosy Barbs (Pethia conchonius) are an energetic and colorful species native to South Asia. Their shimmering reddish hues make them an eye-catching tank mate option for Black Skirt Tetras.

rosy barb

  • Compatibility: 3/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 30 gallons
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, appreciates a diverse diet of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 6 inches

Although they can coexist with Black Skirt Tetras, it’s essential to keep a close eye on their behavior as Rosy Barbs can occasionally nip the fins of slow-moving fish. Providing ample space, decorations, and hiding spots can help keep harmonious living conditions and ensure the compatibility of these vibrant species within your community tank.



Corydoras, a family of over 170 species of small catfish, are quirky, armored bottom dwellers that make charming tank mates for Black Skirt Tetras. Hailing from South America, their playful and peaceful nature has won the hearts of many aquarium enthusiasts.

bronze corydoras

  • Compatibility: 5/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, need a mix of sinking pellets, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: Varies by species, typically 1-2.5 inches

Corydoras are known for their schooling behavior, social interactions, and their diligent cleaning habits. They contribute to a harmonious and lively atmosphere in any community tank, making them fabulous companions for Black Skirt Tetras.


Platy Fish

Platy Fish (Xiphophorus maculatus) are lively and colorful little creatures native to Central America. Their bright hues and easy-going nature make them great tank mates for Black Skirt Tetras.

wagtail platy

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, enjoy a mix of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 2.5 inches

Platies come in various colors and patterns, allowing for an exciting mix of shades in your community tank. They usually stay around the middle level of the tank and get along well with most peaceful fish species. The presence of Platy Fish adds an extra burst of visual appeal to your aquarium and ensures harmonious coexistence with Black Skirt Tetras.


Molly Fish

Molly Fish (Poecilia sphenops) are popular and versatile tank mates, originating from Central and South America. Their variety of colors and elongated fins make them an aesthetically pleasing companion for Black Skirt Tetras.

black molly fish

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, require a diverse diet of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 4.5 inches

Mollies thrive in a well-planted aquarium, often hanging around the middle and top levels of the tank. Their peaceful nature and adaptability have made them a favorite among aquarists seeking to create a visually appealing and harmonious environment. Sharing a tank with Black Skirt Tetras, Molly Fish will gracefully contribute to a lively aquatic community.


Swordtail Fish

Swordtail Fish (Xiphophorus helleri), named for their striking sword-like tails, add an enchanting touch to any community tank. As dynamic and peaceful members of a Black Skirt Tetra’s aquatic world, they are native to Central and North America.

male swordtail fish

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 15 gallons
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, need a balanced diet of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 4 inches

Swordtails are active swimmers who appreciate well-planted aquariums with larger open spaces to explore. They generally stay around the middle and top levels of the tank, harmoniously coexisting with their tank mates. Their vibrant colors and distinctive tail fins make them a striking and captivating addition to a Black Skirt Tetra community.


Bolivian Rams

Bolivian Rams (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus), a type of dwarf cichlid, have a peaceful temperament, making them a fitting tank mate for Black Skirt Tetras. These fascinating fish hail from South America, particularly from Bolivia and Brazil.

Bolivian Ram

  • Compatibility: 3/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 30 gallons
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, thrive on a diverse diet of pellet, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 3 inches

Bolivian Rams are known for their attractive appearance, featuring a blend of complex patterns and subtle colors. They require a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding spaces and a sandy substrate.

Though relatively peaceful for a cichlid, they may occasionally display territorial behavior, so providing ample space is essential to ensure harmony within a Black Skirt Tetra community.


Pearl Gourami

The elegant and shimmering Pearl Gourami (Trichopodus leerii) is a fantastic tank mate option for Black Skirt Tetras. Native to Southeast Asia, they are renowned for their pearl-like pattern and elongated dorsal and anal fins.

pearl gourami

  • Compatibility: 3/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 30 gallons
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, enjoy a varied diet of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 4.7 inches

Pearl Gouramis prefer a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots, as they can be shy at times. While they generally coexist well with less aggressive fish species, it’s crucial to monitor behavior and provide enough space for all tank inhabitants to prosper. When properly cared for, Pearl Gouramis make a beautiful and serene addition to a Black Skirt Tetra community.


Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf Gouramis (Trichogaster lalius) are small, brightly colored fish from South Asia known for their peaceful nature, making them an ideal addition to a Black Skirt Tetra community tank.

dwarf gourami tank mates

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 10 gallons
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, enjoy a mix of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 3.5 inches

Available in various vibrant colors such as red, blue, and neon, Dwarf Gouramis bring excitement and diversity to an aquarium. Preferring planted tanks with plenty of hiding spots, they can be shy at times, but they coexist well with like-minded, peaceful tank mates. Their captivating beauty and placid temperament make them an excellent companion for Black Skirt Tetras.


Bristlenose Pleco

Bristlenose Plecos (Ancistrus spp.) are a unique and appealing addition to any Black Skirt Tetra community tank. With their intriguing bristles on their nose, these bottom dwellers are native to South America and are well-loved for their algae-cleaning abilities.

bristlenose pleco

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 20 gallons
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Diet & Feeding: Herbivorous, require a mix of algae wafers, vegetables, and occasional protein sources
  • Max. Size: 4-6 inches

Bristlenose Plecos are relatively easy to care for and are known for their hardy nature. They require plenty of hiding places such as caves and driftwood, as well as a calm and stable environment. With their engaging appearance and harmonious temperament, Bristlenose Plecos make a great tank mate for Black Skirt Tetras.



Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) are a popular and elegant addition to community tanks for their grace and beauty, making them a potentially interesting choice for a Black Skirt Tetra aquarium. These mesmerizing fish originate from the Amazon Basin in South America.

zebra angelfish

  • Compatibility: 2/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 30 gallons
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, need a balanced diet of flake, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 6 inches

While it’s possible to house Angelfish alongside Black Skirt Tetras, careful monitoring is necessary, as Angelfish can become more territorial and aggressive over time, especially during the breeding season. Providing abundant space and a well-planted aquarium can help maintain peaceful coexistence, but the compatibility of these species is more challenging than others.


Kribensis Cichlid

Kribensis Cichlids (Pelvicachromis pulcher) are an African species known for their bright colors and manageable size. Although not the most ideal tank mates for Black Skirt Tetras, with proper care, they can share an aquarium.

kribensis cichlid

  • Compatibility: 2/5
  • Min. Tank Size: 30 gallons
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivorous, requires a varied diet of pellet, frozen, and live foods
  • Max. Size: 4 inches

An essential factor in ensuring a harmonious environment for Kribensis Cichlids and Black Skirt Tetras is providing a large, well-planted aquarium with ample hiding spots. It’s also crucial to monitor their behavior, as Kribensis Cichlids can become territorial, especially during breeding times.

While not the easiest tank mate option, with careful planning and attention, a peaceful coexistence is possible.


With this extensive list of 20 Black Skirt Tetra tank mates, you now have a plethora of options to create a thriving, visually stunning, and harmonious aquatic community. Don’t forget to share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below!

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