Giant Gourami Care: Complete Guide for Beginners

In this complete guide for beginners, you’ll learn everything you need to know about caring for your Giant Gourami. From species identification and tank setup, to diet, health, and breeding, this comprehensive guide will provide practical tips on how to ensure your pet thrives.

Giant Gourami

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Giant Gourami Species Profile and Identification

The Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy) is an amazing freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia. Known for its impressive size and adaptable nature, this fascinating species can grow up to 70 cm (28 inches) long, although most individuals typically reach around 45 cm (18 inches).

It’s natural habitat includes swamps, large rivers, and stagnant bodies of water. Their appearance is characterized by a rounded body with a beak-like snout, a dorsal fin that extends into a point in males, and a body color that varies from silver to brown with juveniles displaying attractive barred patterns.

Here are some key identification features of Giant Gourami:

  • Size: Can grow up to 70cm (28 inches) but usually around 45cm (18 inches)
  • Body shape: Rounded with a beak-like snout
  • Color: Silver to brown, with juveniles having barred patterns
  • Dorsal fin: Pointed in males

In the aquarium trade, you may also encounter the albino Giant Gourami and a golden variety, as well as the less common and slightly smaller species Osphronemus laticlavius, which has red finnage. When planning to keep a Giant Gourami, it’s essential to know and understand its specific needs, as this fish requires plenty of space, proper filtration, and a suitable diet to thrive.

In this guide, we will cover all the necessary information for beginners to successfully care for Giant Gouramis, from selecting the right supplies and setting up the perfect tank environment to feeding, health problems, tank mates, and breeding.

Giant Gourami Supplies

To ensure the optimal health and happiness of your Giant Gourami, it’s essential to prepare the necessary equipment and supplies. These items can be divided into two main categories: tank setup essentials and feeding supplies.

Tank Setup Essentials:

  • Aquarium: A minimum tank size of 200 gallons (about 750 liters) for an adult fish is needed, but the bigger the tank, the better. Remember that Giant Gouramis grow rapidly, so plan ahead.
  • Filtration: These fish are messy, so invest in a high-quality, powerful filter to keep your tank clean and your fish healthy.
  • Water Heater: Giant Gouramis require a stable water temperature within the range of 68-86°F (20-30°C). An efficient heater will ensure optimal water conditions.
  • Lighting: A suitable aquarium light will support the growth of any live plants and maintain a comfortable environment for your fish.
  • Substrate: Opt for a dark substrate to create a natural habitat and help promote a sense of security for your gourami.
  • Decorations: Provide hiding places with large rocks, bogwood, and floating plants. Keep in mind that some plants might be eaten by your fish.

Feeding Supplies:

  • Algae-based flakes: Since Giant Gouramis are omnivores with a preference for algae, these flakes ensure proper nutrition while young.
  • Frozen and dried foods: Brine shrimp, tubifex, and bloodworms cater to your fish’s omnivorous nature and provide dietary variety.
  • Fresh veggies and fruits: Once your fish reaches a significant size, supplement their diet with legumes, cooked vegetables, and fruits for a well-rounded diet.

Having these supplies at hand will allow you to create a comfortable, clean, and stimulating environment for your Giant Gourami, keeping them happy, healthy, and stress-free.

Giant Gourami Tank Setup

Setting up a tank for your Giant Gourami can be a simple process if you follow a few important steps. Choose the right tank size – a minimum of 200 gallons is required for an adult fish; however, bigger tanks are always better. Remember, Giant Gouramis can grow up to 28″ (70cm) in length, so adequate space is essential.

For a well-balanced environment, consider these tank setup recommendations:

  • Substrate: Opt for a dark-colored substrate as it will help make your Giant Gourami feel more comfortable.
  • Decoration: Place large rocks and bogwood in the tank to provide hiding spots and resting areas for your fish. Arrange them along the edges, leaving ample open space for swimming.
  • Plants: Floating plants like water lettuce and duckweed are great choices but keep in mind that these may be consumed by the fish. You can also introduce other sturdy aquatic plants for additional cover and aesthetics.
  • Filtration: Invest in powerful, efficient filtration, as these fish can be quite messy. A canister filter or a large hang-on-back filter is recommended for high water quality.

Below is a table summarizing the setup essentials:

Item Recommendation
Tank size 200 gallons (757 liters) or larger
Substrate Dark-colored
Decoration Large rocks, bogwood
Plants Floating, sturdy
Filtration Efficient, powerful

By focusing on these crucial elements, you’ll create an environment where your Giant Gourami can thrive, ensuring their health, growth, and happiness for years to come.

Giant Gourami Water Requirements

Meeting the water requirements for your Giant Gourami is crucial for their survival and well-being. A properly maintained aquatic environment ensures that your fish remain healthy and stress-free.

  • Temperature: Giant Gouramis thrive in a temperature range of 68-86°F (20-30°C). Use a reliable heater and an aquarium thermometer to maintain a stable temperature within this range.
  • pH: The ideal pH for these fish is between 6.5-8.0. Regularly test the water, and make necessary adjustments to keep the pH stable.
  • Hardness: Giant Gouramis can tolerate water hardness levels between 5-25°H. You can purchase water hardness test kits and hardness adjusters from your local pet store.

For optimal water conditions, remember these practices:

  • Conduct regular water changes to maintain water quality. Change around 25-30% of the aquarium water once every two weeks.
  • Invest in a high-quality filter to deal with waste produced by these messy fish. Choose a filter powerful enough to handle the size of your tank and remove harmful substances.
  • Keep an eye on the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels in the tank. Use test kits to monitor the levels, and take necessary action if any imbalances are detected.

Giant Gourami Diet and Feeding

The Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy) is an omnivorous species, meaning they consume both plant-based and animal-based foods. In the wild, their diet includes a variety of items such as algae, plant matter, insects, small fish, amphibians, and even dead animals.

When keeping these beautiful fish in an aquarium, it is crucial to provide them with a well-balanced diet to ensure their health and well-being.

Feeding Basics

  • Feed your Giant Gourami two times a day.
  • Offer a variety of high-quality, commercial fish food.
  • Switch between different types of food to prevent boredom.
  • Do not overfeed as it can pollute the water and cause health issues.

Plant-Based Food Options

  • Algae-based flakes or pellets.
  • Fresh vegetables (blanched spinach, peas, and lettuce).
  • Aquatic plants (only occasionally, as they can consume a large number of plants quickly).

Animal-Based Food Options

  • Live or frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and tubifex worms.
  • High-quality, nutrient-rich, meaty pellets.
  • Slices of boiled shrimp, white fish, or other seafood, cut into appropriate sizes.

Ensuring proper nutrition for your Giant Gourami allows them to grow, thrive, and live a healthy life. Remember to monitor their eating habits, adjust portions as necessary, and remove uneaten food to maintain a clean and healthy environment. By offering a diverse diet, you encourage natural feeding behaviors and keep your fish satisfied and engaged.

Giant Gourami Care Schedule

To ensure a healthy environment for your Giant Gourami, it’s crucial to establish and follow a regular care schedule. Having a routine will help you keep track of necessary tasks and prevent issues before they become bigger problems for your gourami companion.

Daily tasks

  • Observing your fish’s behavior and appearance for any signs of stress or illness.
  • Checking the water temperature, making sure it stays within the range of 68-86°F (20-30°C).
  • Feeding your fish a balanced diet of pellets, vegetables, and occasional live or frozen foods.

Weekly tasks

  • Testing water parameters, such as pH (6.5-8.0), hardness (5-25°H), and checking for any ammonia or nitrite spikes.
  • Replacing 10-15% of the tank water with fresh, dechlorinated water to maintain water quality.

Monthly tasks

  • Cleaning algae buildup from the tank walls, rocks, and decorations.
  • Inspecting equipment, like filters and heaters, to ensure they are functioning correctly.
  • Thoroughly vacuuming the tank substrate to remove waste and debris.

By strictly adhering to this care schedule, you’ll not only safeguard the wellbeing of your Giant Gourami but also create a pristine and harmonious environment for it to thrive in. Establishing a care routine from the beginning is key to mastering Giant Gourami care for beginners and will lead to a rewarding and enjoyable fishkeeping experience.

Giant Gourami Health Problems

Giant Gouramis are generally hardy fish, but they can still fall victim to various health issues. By providing them with proper care and maintenance, you’ll minimize the chances of these problems occurring in your aquarium.

Common health problems and their symptoms:

  • Ich: White spots on the fish’s body, gills, and fins, accompanied by constant rubbing against objects. To treat this, increase the water temperature to 30°C (86°F) and add a commercial ich treatment to the aquarium.
  • Fin Rot: Fins appearing ragged and discolored, with a white edge. To prevent and treat fin rot, maintain good water quality, and use a commercial bacterial treatment if needed.
  • Bacterial Infections: Symptoms can include bloating, redness of fins or body, and ulcers. Treat with a broad-spectrum antibiotic, making sure to follow the label instructions carefully.
  • Fungal Infections: Fluffy white or gray growths on the fish’s body or fins. Combat fungal infections with a commercial antifungal treatment and maintain proper water conditions to prevent future issues.
  • Swim Bladder Disease: Fish appears to be unable to control its buoyancy, either floating or sinking uncontrollably. Ensure your Giant Gourami is fed a balanced diet and has peaceful tank mates. In some cases, Epsom salt may be added to the aquarium to help relieve the problem.

Preventative Measures:

  • Maintain optimal water conditions by performing regular water changes and monitoring the water parameters.
  • Ensure a balanced diet to meet nutritional needs and prevent deficiencies.
  • Acclimate new fish properly – quarantine them if possible, to avoid introducing diseases into your main tank.
  • Keep checking for visible signs of stress or illness and act quickly if an issue arises.

By being proactive and attentive in your Giant Gourami care, you’ll enjoy happy, healthy fish as part of your aquatic family.

Giant Gourami Tank Mates

When selecting tank mates for your Giant Gourami, it’s essential to consider their size, temperament, and compatibility with other species in the aquarium. The ideal companions for a Giant Gourami are large, non-aggressive fish that can peacefully coexist without becoming prey or causing stress to others.

Some suitable tank mates for Giant Gouramis include:

  • Knifefish: Able to grow up to 20 inches long, these peaceful, nocturnal fish tend to keep to themselves, making them a suitable companion for a Giant Gourami.
  • Large Catfish: Species like the Redtail Catfish or the Pictus Catfish make excellent tank mates, as they’re non-aggressive and can grow large enough not to be viewed as prey.
  • Loricariids: Also known as ‘Plecos,’ these armored catfish have a gentle, docile temperament, and their size makes them suitable companions for a Giant Gourami.
  • Cichlids: Although some varieties can be aggressive, larger cichlid species such as the Oscar or the Jack Dempsey can make good tank mates for the Giant Gourami if enough space is provided.

It’s important to maintain a spacious aquarium to ensure a peaceful environment for all its inhabitants, as cramped conditions can lead to aggression and stress. Also, closely monitor the relationships between the fish and intervene if any issues arise, such as bullying or territorial disputes.

With a careful selection of tank mates and proper maintenance, your Giant Gourami can thrive in a harmonious community tank.

Giant Gourami Breeding

Breeding Giant Gouramis can be a rewarding experience for beginners, but it requires patience and preparation. Before attempting to breed, you should have a separate tank specifically set up for breeding purposes.

Giant Gouramis are egg layers and construct nests using plant fibers. As such, you should create a conducive environment that has floating plants or plant material in their breeding tank. The ideal water level should be decreased to about 20 cm (8 in) deep, with a water temperature set at 28°C (82°F).

Now let’s talk about the breeding process:

  • Ensure that you have a healthy pair of male and female Giant Gouramis. The male fish has a pointed dorsal fin, while the female will have a rounded one.
  • Gently introduce the pair into the breeding tank, keeping an eye on their behavior. Observe the male’s color change to a darker shade during spawning.
  • After spawning, which occurs within 24 hours after nest building, transfer the female to a separate tank immediately. The male may become aggressive towards her as he will guard the eggs diligently.
  • The eggs hatch within 24 hours, so you’ll need to be ready to care for the fry in a dark aquarium environment.

Breeding Giant Gouramis is a fascinating process that requires careful planning and monitoring. By preparing the appropriate setup and understanding their unique breeding behavior, you will greatly increase the chances of successfully raising a thriving generation of these magnificent fish.


Caring for a Giant Gourami can be a rewarding experience for beginners and experienced aquarists alike. With proper tank setup, diet, and attention to their specific needs, your Giant Gourami will thrive and bring enjoyment for years to come. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment with your experience or any questions about Giant Gourami care.

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