Angelfish and Gourami – Can They Live Together?

As an avid aquarist, I’ve always found the idea of creating a diverse and harmonious fish community in my aquarium quite appealing. Two beautiful species that often catch the eye of freshwater fish enthusiasts are Angelfish and Gourami.

angelfish gourami

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As striking as these species are, one might wonder if they can coexist peacefully in the same tank. In this article, I’ll delve into the specifics of these captivating fish, their compatibility, and my personal experiences in determining if Angelfish and Gourami can live together harmoniously.

Angelfish and Gourami Fish Temperament

When considering compatibility in an aquarium, understanding the temperament of each species of fish is essential to ensure a peaceful living environment.

Angelfish are generally regarded as semi-aggressive fish. They are quite territorial, especially during breeding times. Angelfish are known to claim certain areas of the tank as their personal space and may even lash out at other tank mates that come too close.

On the other hand, Gourami tend to be considered peaceful fish with a more laid-back temperament. However, it’s important to note that certain types of Gourami, such as the Dwarf Gourami, may exhibit territorial behaviors. A Gourami’s temperament may also change depending on the social hierarchy within the tank.

In my experience, the key to maintaining a non-hostile environment when combining these two species is understanding their specific temperaments, as well as any external factors that may contribute to their behavior.

Tank Requirements for Angelfish and Gouramis

To maximize the chances of Angelfish and Gourami coexisting peacefully, it’s imperative to create an appropriate living space that caters to the needs of both species. Here are some important tank requirements to consider:

  • Tank size: A spacious aquarium is essential in reducing territorial disputes between Angelfish and Gourami. I would suggest a tank with a minimum capacity of 30 gallons to provide ample space for both species to claim their territories comfortably. For each additional fish, add another 10 gallons to ensure a stress-free environment.
  • Plants and decorations: Including an abundance of plants and hiding spots in the tank will benefit both species. Angelfish are known to stake out their territories among thick vegetation, while Gourami appreciate hiding spots to escape from any aggressive encounters. A well-planted tank with tall plants like Amazon Swords and Java Ferns, as well as decorations like driftwood and caves, is ideal for these species.
  • Water conditions: Both Angelfish and Gourami thrive in warm, slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. Maintain the tank temperature between 75-82°F, with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5. Regular water changes and proper filtration can contribute to a healthy and stable environment for both species.

By setting up the tank according to these requirements, you increase the chances of cultivating a suitable environment where Angelfish and Gourami can coexist peacefully.

gourami fish tank setup

Diet & Feeding of Gouramis and Angelfish

One of the key aspects of keeping healthy and content fish is providing a balanced and nutritious diet. Fortunately, both Angelfish and Gourami have similar food preferences, which makes feeding simpler in a shared tank.

  • Type of food: Angelfish and Gourami are omnivorous species, meaning they consume both plants and small animals. Quality flakes or pellets should make up the foundation of their diet, supplemented with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia.
  • Frequency of feeding: Feeding both fish species once or twice a day is sufficient. Offer small amounts of food that can be consumed within a couple of minutes to avoid overfeeding and potential water quality issues.
  • Herbivorous component: Gourami, and to a lesser extent Angelfish, require a certain intake of plants in their diet. Including blanched vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, or zucchini, or offering algae wafers, can help meet their dietary needs.

Observing the feeding behaviors and ensuring that both species receive an adequate amount of food is crucial for their health and wellbeing. This, in turn, fosters a more peaceful coexistence between them.

angelfish tank mates

Will Angelfish and Gouramis Fight?

Despite the best efforts in ensuring appropriate tank conditions and meeting the dietary requirements of both species, there may still be instances where conflicts arise between Angelfish and Gouramis. I have experienced some skirmishes in my tank, particularly during breeding times or if either species feels threatened.

Angelfish, being the more aggressive of the two, may initiate a confrontation if they perceive Gouramis entering their territory. Additionally, certain Gourami species, especially males or those with a more dominant nature, might defend their territory or compete with other tank inhabitants for resources.

To minimize the risks of fights in a mixed-species aquarium, I suggest:

  • Adding more females than males for both species, as females tend to be less aggressive.
  • Introducing fish of similar sizes, as larger fish might bully or even prey on smaller ones.
  • Ensuring that there’s enough food available to both species to prevent resource-based competition.

While some individual fish might exhibit more aggressive tendencies, addressing the aforementioned factors helps create an environment where Angelfish and Gouramis can coexist without consistent conflict.

However, it’s important to monitor the interactions between the fish, especially during the initial introduction phase, and be prepared to intervene if necessary.

male female gourami

Will Gouramis Eat Angelfish Fry?

If you’re planning to breed Angelfish in a tank that also houses Gouramis, it’s crucial to address the potential risk of Gouramis eating Angelfish fry. In my experience, there is a possibility that Gouramis might consume vulnerable Angelfish fry, given their opportunistic feeding habits.

To prevent this, I recommend taking the following measures:

  • Separate breeding and community tanks: If possible, provide a separate breeding tank for the Angelfish to lay their eggs and rear their fry, away from the risk of predation by Gouramis or other tank inhabitants.
  • Protective barriers: In case a separate breeding tank isn’t an option, consider adding protective barriers, such as fine mesh or breeding nets, to segregate the egg-laying and fry-raising area from the rest of the tank.
  • Timely removal of fry: Once the Angelfish fry are old enough to swim autonomously, transfer them to a separate nursery tank or adequately protected area within the main tank. This will give them a chance to grow without the risk of being eaten by Gouramis or other fish.

By adopting these precautions, you can safeguard Angelfish fry from potential predation by Gouramis and give them the opportunity to thrive and join the rest of the community tank when they are larger and less vulnerable.

angelfish planted tank

How to Keep Angelfish and Gourami Successfully Together?

Based on my personal experiences and the insights I’ve shared so far, keeping Angelfish and Gourami together in a single tank is definitely achievable. To ensure their compatibility and peaceful coexistence, incorporate the following practices:

  • Select compatible species: Choose Gourami species with peaceful temperaments, such as Pearl Gourami, Honey Gourami, or Blue Gourami. Avoid more aggressive types like Dwarf Gourami to minimize conflicts with Angelfish.
  • Monitor fish behaviors: Keep a close eye on interactions between Angelfish and Gourami, especially during the introduction period. If you notice aggressive behavior or stress, be ready to intervene and separate the fish if necessary.
  • Proper tank setup: Provide a spacious, well-planted tank with adequate hiding spots and clear territories for both fish species. Maintaining appropriate water conditions is also crucial to ensure their well-being.
  • Balanced nutrition: Offer a variety of food, including quality flakes or pellets, live or frozen foods, and plant-based items, to meet the omnivorous nutritional needs of both Angelfish and Gourami.
  • Address breeding concerns: If you plan to breed Angelfish, ensure the safety of the fry from Gouramis, either by using a separate breeding tank, protective barriers, or timely removal of the fry.

In conclusion, the key to successfully keeping Angelfish and Gourami together lies in properly assessing their temperament, providing an environment that meets their needs, and fostering an atmosphere of harmony in your mixed-species aquarium. As long as these factors are addressed, your stunning fish community will be a delightful and rewarding addition to your home.


While Angelfish and Gourami may differ in temperament and behaviors, careful planning, suitable tank setup, and proper care can indeed make it feasible for these magnificent species to live together harmoniously.

As I’ve shared from my own experience, the possibility of creating a visually stunning and harmonious aquarium community with both Angelfish and Gourami can indeed become a reality with meticulous implementation of the guidelines outlined in this article.

Whether you’re a seasoned aquarist or just starting your fishkeeping journey, an Angelfish and Gourami mixed aquarium can become a vibrant showcase of beauty, serenity, and diversity in your home.

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