Guppies and Dwarf Gourami – Can They Live Together? 

As an avid aquarium enthusiast, one question that often comes up when setting up a new tank is whether certain species of fish can coexist peacefully. In this article, we’ll explore the compatibility of two popular freshwater fish, Guppies and Dwarf Gourami, and whether they can share the same aquarium space without any problems.

Guppies and Dwarf Gourami

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Let’s dive into understanding the key factors that affect their compatibility and how you can ensure a harmonious aquatic environment for them to thrive in.

Guppy and Dwarf Gourami Fish Temperament

When considering adding different fish species to an aquarium, it’s crucial to evaluate their temperaments. This helps to prevent potential conflicts and ensure a peaceful fish community.


Guppies are famously known for their peaceful and friendly nature. They are small, sociable, and schooling fish that usually prefer to swim in groups of their own kind. Being non-aggressive, they don’t pose any threat to other tank mates and can comfortably coexist with other peaceful fish species.

Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf Gourami, like Guppies, are also considered to be friendly and calm. However, it is worth noting that the male Dwarf Gourami may sometimes display territorial and aggressive behavior, especially during mating times.

Although they usually prefer to live in solitude, this competitive attitude may sometimes lead to conflicts with other similarly sized fish if not provided with enough space.

So, the temperaments of Guppies and Dwarf Gourami make them potentially suitable tank mates. However, it’s vital to monitor the male Dwarf Gourami’s behavior carefully and provide ample hiding spaces to maintain a peaceful environment.

Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf Gourami and Guppy Fish Tank Requirements

Another important factor to consider when housing Guppies and Dwarf Gourami together is their tank requirements. By meeting their individual needs, you can create an environment that fosters harmony between both species and ensures their well-being.

Tank Size

Guppies thrive in a 10-gallon tank, while Dwarf Gourami need at least 15-20 gallons of water. Therefore, a 20-gallon tank or larger is recommended when keeping both species together. This will offer sufficient space for them to swim and claim their own territories, reducing the chances of aggression.

Water Temperature

Both Guppies and Dwarf Gourami prefer similar water temperatures, making it easier to keep them together. Their ideal temperature range is between 74-82°F (23-28°C).

Water Quality

Both fish types require clean and well-maintained water to stay healthy. They have slightly different water pH requirements:

  • Guppies: pH 7.0-7.8
  • Dwarf Gourami: pH 6.0-7.5

These pH gaps are relatively small, so maintaining a pH level around 7.0-7.2 should work well for both species. Additionally, make sure to perform regular water changes (around 20-30% per week) to prevent ammonia and nitrite buildup.

Hiding Spaces and Decoration

While Guppies love swimming freely in their environment, Dwarf Gourami appreciate hiding spots and densely planted areas. To accommodate their preferences, make sure to provide a balance of open swimming spaces and decorations, like plants, rocks, and driftwoods. This not only looks pleasant but also helps reduce stress and territorial disputes.

In conclusion, by meeting the specific tank requirements of both Guppies and Dwarf Gourami, you can successfully house them together, creating a lively and eye-catching aquarium habitat.

guppy fish feeding

Diet and Feeding of Guppies and Dwarf Gouramis

Meeting the dietary needs of both Guppies and Dwarf Gourami is essential for maintaining their health and compatibility within the tank. Fortunately, both species have similar feeding requirements, making it convenient to cater to their individual needs.


Guppies are omnivores and mainly feed on small insects, algae, and plant materials in the wild. In an aquarium, they can be fed a balanced diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, and freeze-dried, frozen, or live foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms. Guppies benefit from multiple small meals per day, as they have small stomachs and a fast metabolism.

Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf Gourami, also omnivorous, have a similar diet to Guppies but with a stronger preference for plant-based foods. They enjoy eating algae, insect larvae, and small invertebrates.

In an aquarium setting, feed them a mix of high-quality flakes or pellets formulated for Gouramis, combined with live, frozen, or freeze-dried food options like brine shrimp, bloodworms, or daphnia. Also, supplement their diet with vegetables like zucchini, lettuce, or spinach.

A great way to ensure that both Guppies and Dwarf Gourami receive the necessary nutrients is to provide a varied diet. This can be achieved by regularly switching between different food items, including flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods.

Feeding both species together should not cause any problems, but it’s essential to monitor their feeding habits and adjust accordingly if required.

guppy fry

Will Dwarf Gouramis Eat Guppy Fry?

Guppy fry are the baby Guppies that are tiny, vulnerable, and often end up being easy targets for larger tank mates. A common concern among aquarium hobbyists is whether Dwarf Gouramis will prey upon Guppy fry in a community tank.

In general, Dwarf Gouramis are not known to be aggressive hunters, but they may eat Guppy fry if they come across them during their regular activities. Similar to most fish species, Dwarf Gouramis will take advantage of any easy meal, which in this case, could be Guppy fry that wander too close.

If you’re keen on raising Guppy fry alongside Dwarf Gouramis, here are a few precautions to increase the survival rate of the fry:

  • Densely planted tank: Create thickets of plants or dense moss patches in your aquarium, as these serve as excellent hiding spots for fry to seek refuge from larger fish.
  • Breeding tank: Set up a separate breeding tank or a breeder box specifically designed for Guppies, providing a safe environment for the fry to grow until they are large enough to be introduced to the community tank.
  • Proper feeding: Ensure that you feed the Dwarf Gouramis well, as a well-fed fish is less likely to hunt for fry in search of nutrition.

By taking these precautionary measures, you can significantly boost the survival rate of your Guppy fry and maintain a thriving community tank with both Guppies and Dwarf Gouramis coexisting.

dwarf gourami tank mates

Will Guppies and Dwarf Gouramis Fight?

The concern of fights breaking out between Guppies and Dwarf Gouramis within the same tank relates to their individual temperaments and the potential for territorial disputes.

As mentioned earlier, Guppies are generally peaceful, and it is highly unlikely that they will start fights with other fish, including Dwarf Gouramis. They have easy-going personalities and can coexist harmoniously with other peaceful tank mates.

Dwarf Gouramis are also known to be generally calm; however, male members of the species may display territorial or aggressive behavior, especially during mating times. If a Dwarf Gourami feels threatened by the presence of another fish in its territory or is attempting to protect its eggs or fry, it might become aggressive towards the intruder.

To minimize the chances of fights between Guppies and Dwarf Gouramis in a shared tank, it is essential to:

  • Provide ample space: Ensure that your tank is large enough (20 gallons or more) to accommodate both Guppies and Dwarf Gouramis, giving them enough room to establish their territories and swim freely without constant interaction.
  • Create hiding spots: Set up the tank with plenty of hiding places like caves, driftwood, and live plants, so that both fish species have space to retreat to when they feel threatened, minimizing territorial disputes.
  • Keep the right fish ratio: If possible, house two or more female Dwarf Gouramis for every male member to reduce male territorial aggression.

In summary, while there is a slight possibility of conflict between Guppies and Dwarf Gouramis, with proper planning and consideration of their individual needs, you can create a harmonious environment where both species coexist peacefully.

honey gourami

Other Types of Gouramis as Guppy Tank Mates

If you’ve been considering adding other types of Gouramis to your tank alongside Guppies, it’s essential to research each Gourami species’ compatibility, temperament, and environmental requirements. Some Gouramis may get along well with Guppies, while others could pose issues due to aggressiveness or significant size differences.

Below are a few types of Gouramis that can potentially coexist with Guppies:

  • Honey Gourami: Known for their peaceful and shy temperament, Honey Gouramis are an excellent candidate for living with Guppies. They are smaller in size and share similar tank conditions with Guppies, such as water temperature and pH.
  • Blue Gourami: Blue Gourami, also called Three Spot Gourami, can live with Guppies, but caution is needed. Due to their larger size, they may harass or bully smaller tank mates, including Guppies. Ensure they have enough space and places to hide to reduce aggression.
  • Pearl Gourami: Pearl Gouramis have a calm and peaceful nature, making them suitable tank mates for Guppies. However, they prefer living in a larger (30 gallons or more) and heavily planted tank, which can provide them with ample space and hiding spots.

On the other hand, avoid placing the following Gouramis in the same tank as Guppies:

  • Kissing Gourami: Their larger size and propensity to engage in lip-locking fights with other fish make them unsuitable for housing with Guppies.
  • Giant Gourami: Their substantial size difference (Giant Gouramis can grow to over 24 inches) makes it inadvisable to pair them with Guppies. Guppies might accidentally become food for these large fish.

In conclusion, while some Gourami species can make good companions for Guppies, pay keen attention to each species’ compatibility and environmental needs. By providing the appropriate living conditions for each fish type, you can create a thriving and harmonious community tank.


To wrap up, Guppies and Dwarf Gouramis can live together in a shared aquarium, owing to their generally peaceful and compatible temperaments. By ensuring their tank requirements are met, providing a balanced diet, and taking precautions with Guppy fry, you can successfully create a harmonious and vibrant community tank.

Bear in mind, however, the potential for male Dwarf Gouramis to exhibit territorial behavior during mating periods, and always monitor the interactions within the tank to prevent conflicts.

With proper planning and care, Guppies and Dwarf Gouramis can make fascinating and delightful additions to your underwater world.

Questions and Answers

Margaret R Cordes March 5, 2020 Reply

Hello, I’m Rose. I have 6 dwarf gouramis with 2 bristle noses and 3 electric blues. Is this a good combination? Can I add an algae eater?

    These fish can go together, just make sure that your tank is big enough. I would put these fish at least in a 20 gallon tank.

Hello, I have a 20 Gallon Long. How many gouramis should I put and how many guppies should I put?
Also would I be able to add a bristle nose and some shrimp or would it be too crowded?

    Hello! If you go for a pair of dwarf gourami, 5-6 guppies and a bristlenose pleco, it should be fine. I would not recommend adding cherry shrimp, as they will become food for your gouramis. Make sure, you have good filtration and you do regular water changes!

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