Indian Whisker Shrimp – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding

The Indian Whisker Shrimp is simply referred to as Whisker Shrimp. This freshwater shrimp is often mistaken for Ghost Shrimp although they are different species. Both have almost clear bodies, tails, and torsos.

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But the Indian Whisker Shrimp is relatively larger with an extended body and longer feelers. It is a great scavenger with the habit of constantly eating and cleaning debris in its living space. These crustaceans are extremely aggressive especially in an overcrowded tank.

Below is what you need to know about the Indian Whisker Shrimp.

Whisker Shrimp Appearance

You can easily identify the Indian Whisker Shrimp by just looking at its physical attributes. The shrimp’s body is transparent and you can see through it. Even though it looks like the Ghost Shrimp, its body is larger and more elongated.

Also, it does not have the characteristic orange bands found on the Ghost Shrimp. Its legs and feelers are just as transparent as the rest of the body. The Indian Ghost Shrimp can grow to reach a maximum length of 2 inches in body size.

Whisker Shrimp Tank Requirements

The Indian Whisker Shrimp is among the easiest aquatic animals to keep. The shrimp is less demanding as long as you give it basic conditions for its survival.

It prefers spending much of its time at the bottom of the tank. This is where it feels safe and comfortable away from other aggressive and dominant tank mates.

Since it is a freshwater shrimp, the Indian Whicker Shrimp will thrive best in your freshwater aquarium. Make sure that the parameters in its environment are conducive and just right for it.

Another thing about the Indian Whisker Shrimp that you need to know is its temperament. The shrimp is highly aggressive. So it is wise to place it in its own tank to avoid conflicts with other tank mates.

The ideal tank size for this shrimp should be 5 gallons in capacity. Make sure to fill the same tank with clean, fresh water to keep the shrimp comfortable and healthy throughout.

The Indian Whisker Shrimp is housed in a tank that is moderately planted. This means that you should avoid many aquatic plants in a tank environment where it is being housed.

Regardless, the shrimp has a habit of hiding among tank plants. Having too many of these plants will prevent you from monitoring its progress.

Whisker Shrimp Water Conditions

Set the water temperature at 72 to 82 °F for your Indian Whisker Shrimp. This temperature range is almost similar to that found in its natural habitat.

The pH levels in water do not matter provided that other tank requirements are met. But maintaining a pH range of between 7.0 and 7.8 can keep your shrimp’s environment inside the tank conducive.

As a freshwater shrimp, the Indian Whisker Shrimp is also sensitive to almost anything including water. That is why you need to be very careful about sudden water temperature changes and shifts in other water parameters.

At the same time, be careful when using supplements, medications, additives, and plant fertilizer. These compounds can alter water parameters and affect your shrimp. Avoid copper as well because it can harm or even cause death to your shrimp.

Whisker Shrimp Diet and Feeding

Apart from being aggressive to other potential tank mates, the Indian Whisker Shrimp is also an aggressive eater. You will always find it at the bottom of the aquarium, feasting on debris or algae.

That is the main reason why this species of freshwater shrimp is commonly referred to as scavengers by many aquarium hobbyists.

However, the shrimp prefers feeding on Marino moss balls. Artificial foods can also be a great addition to their staple food.

Below are some of the foods that you can give to your Indian Whisker Shrimp:

  • Lobster bites and Hikari crab
  • Different types of flake foods
  • Shirakura shrimp foods
  • Cucumbers
  • Spinach
  • Shrimp’s sticking foods
  • Borneo wild shrimp foods
  • Mosura shrimp foods

When it comes to feeding your Indian Whisker Shrimp, make sure to choose those foods that are likely to hold their form in tank water. Such foods will not easily break and make the tank dirty.

Also, don’t provide your shrimp with too much food if their number is small. Instead, you can let them survive on the little available food or biofilm found on the water surface.

Plenty of uneaten foods in the tank water can contribute to the development of bacteria and other harmful pathogens. Ensure that no excess food is left in the water to keep the entire aquarium clean most of the time.

Whisker Shrimp Tank Mates

As mentioned earlier, most freshwater shrimps are aggressive. The same case is true with the Indian Whisker Shrimp. Their aggression is usually directed to small community fish or even other shrimp species.

Despite this behavior, this shrimp can be vulnerable to larger and more aggressive tank mates. Therefore, check out for compatible tank mates before stocking your aquarium with shrimp and other aquatic animals.

Whisker Shrimp Breeding

Breeding the Indian Whisker Shrimp is one of the toughest tasks as far as keeping these crustaceans is concerned. And if you are a first-time hobbyist this exercise can be quite challenging.

When breeding your Indian Whisker Shrimp, you should consider certain parameters in their breeding tank. The parameters should always be at optimal conditions for the female shrimps.

Here are a few tips to guide you through the entire breeding process of your shrimp:

  • Adjust the water temperature in the tank to be at a range of 65 and 82 ℉
  • Place both the male and female shrimp in the same breeding tank. The female has a bigger body than the male. But one male can successfully breed with two female shrimps that already have eggs on the swimmerets.
  • Once the male has fertilized the eggs, transfer the female to another aquarium.
  • The fertilized eggs must take 21 to 24 days for them to successfully hatch into baby shrimps.


The Indian Whisker Shrimp is often mistaken for the Ghost Shrimp although the two are different species. It has a transparent body with some distinctive features that make it unique.

Females are usually larger than males. Given that it is a freshwater shrimp, ensure that all parameters in the tank are just right for their survival.

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