Platy Fish and Guppy Fish – Can You Keep Them in Same Aquarium?

Looking for some companions for your platy fish or guppy fish? Starting a community aquarium involves doing research on the compatibility between different fish species and keeping requirements.

You’ve landed on this article, which must mean you’re on track in researching the fish you’re planning on keeping together.

Many beginner aquarists make the mistake of keeping fish that aren’t compatible, which leads to improper keeping conditions, stress and even injuries or even the decimation of fish populations.


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If you’re wondering if platies and guppies can be kept in the same aquarium, you’ll be pleased to find out that platy fish and guppy fish are compatible and can be kept together in the same tank.

Here’s how to keep them together:

Keeping Platy Fish and Guppy Fish in the Same Aquarium

Both platies and guppies are peaceful, active fish. They give birth to live fish and have very similar keeping and feeding requirements, which makes them a great match.

In what follows, I’ll offer you tips on tank and water requirements of these fish, so you can create a habitat that’s healthy and enjoyable for both fish.

Tank Size for Guppies & Platies

On average, platies are larger than guppies with ½ inch and require a bit more space in their aquarium. Therefore, while guppies may feel at ease even in a 10-gallon aquarium, for platies I recommend a larger tank.

A 20-gallon aquarium is a good starter aquarium; however, I suggest getting an even larger aquarium if you can to avoid overstocking if you’re planning on keeping multiple guppy and platy fish.

Another reason why you should get a bigger aquarium is because both fish enjoy live plants in their aquariums.

Plants not only help clarify the water from toxins, but they can also provide cover and sustenance for fish in the form of algae that grows naturally on them.

If you’re setting up a new aquarium, live plants can also help speed up the nitrogen cycle, which you should carry out before you add any fish to the tank.

Live plants that are great for platies and guppies include java moss, frogbit, java fern, hornwort, and anubias. These are generally low-maintenance plants that can don’t have special lighting requirements.

Water Parameters for Guppies & Platies

When keeping different fish species together, matching water parameters are one of the crucial aspects that determine if two fish can be kept together in the same aquarium.

Luckily, guppies and platies can thrive in the same water conditions. Set water temperature to 72-74 F, which is optimal for both guppy and platy fish.

To maintain stable temperatures, you’ll need to set up an aquarium heater. Pick an aquarium heater that has a built-in thermostat, which will always ensure stable temperatures.

Water hardness should be up to 12 dGH, while water pH should be around 7.0-7.8.

Make sure you do a 30% water change weekly to remove built-up nitrates and other chemicals. If you’re using tap water for water changes, be sure to de-chlorinate the water by using a water conditioner.

Aquarium Filter for Guppies & Platies

Besides regular water changes, a guppy-platy aquarium should have an aquarium filter set up to help with water flow and to remove chemicals and toxins as they accumulate.

You don’t need an expensive canister filter, a hang-on-back filter is just right for 20-gallon tanks and even bigger ones.

If you don’t have many fish in your aquarium, you may use a sponge filter too, however, hang-on-back filters are better since they can offer mechanical, biological and chemical filtration, which results in higher quality water.

Feeding Guppies & Platies

A variety of quality foods will keep both platy fish and guppy fish happy and healthy. They’re both omnivorous and have high appetites.

You can opt for commercial fish foods like high quality flakes, which should also contain vegetable matter in its ingredients along with vitamins, minerals, and protein.

Brine shrimp, microworms, and other protein-rich foods can also be offered to them either live, frozen or freeze-dried.

Aim for variety and quality, feed them once or twice a day. Avoid overfeeding to prevent water chemistry disbalances and digestive issues.

Breeding & Female to Male Ratio in Guppy and Platy Aquarium

Breeding guppies or platies is as easy as placing both males and females in the same aquarium.

Ideally, you should set up a breeding aquarium if you want to breed them. The only problem – which can be avoided by setting up a different aquarium – is that adult fish will not hesitate to eat their young.

A breeding trap placed into the aquarium will ensure the survivability of the fry along with removing the adult fish.

If your aquarium has a lot of plants, they may offer cover for some of the fry until the grow large enough not to be mistaken for food.

When breeding guppy fish, all you need to do is place a male guppy in the same aquarium with 2-3 female guppies. The gestation period takes up to 30 days, and these fish can breed every month or so.

The same male to female ratio applies to platy fish as well. There is no need for more than one male.

If you don’t want them breeding, you shouldn’t keep both genders in the same aquarium.


Platies and guppies are a great match for a community aquarium. They’re both well-tempered fish that will not cause trouble or injuries in the aquarium.

Since their keeping requirements are so similar, you also don’t have to worry about not meeting their optimal water requirements.

Simply set up a spacious tank with the parameters and equipment I described in this article, and you can enjoy your community aquarium.

If you’re planning on adding other fish species too, make sure to see if they’re compatible with both platy fish and guppy fish, and see if there are any adjustments you should make.

Ideally, you should only keep fish with the same temperament and water requirements to avoid any diseases or injuries in the aquarium.

Questions and Answers

I set up a small tank for my parents and incuded guppies, platies and danios and they all get along really well apart from one male guppy who took an instant dislike to the male sunset platy and hounded him constantly.

I have no idea why this happened but when the platy’s behaviour became a bit worrying I noticed his tail had been nibbled quite badly and he had a mark/wound on his flank where the aggressive guppy had been nosing him I decided I had no option but to remove the guppy or the platy was going to eventually die.

The local fish shop have offered to take the guppy off my hands and put him in a large tank with others but in the meantime he is in with my three large goldfish and seems to be loving it! The goldfish are actually wary of the guppy!!!

I am sure though that one day they will overcome their wariness and eat him so I will be taking him to the fish shop any day now.

So, platies and guppies should be fine together, just make sure you haven’t got a bully in your tank! 😆

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