20 Honey Gourami Tank Mates

In this article, we’ll explore the most suitable tank mates for the Honey Gourami, a colorful and peaceful fish native to Southeast Asia. By understanding compatibility and tank conditions, you can create a harmonious community aquarium.

honey gourami tank mates

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Pearl Gourami

The Pearl Gourami, also known as the Lace Gourami, is a beautiful fish with a delicate pattern resembling pearls. They are part of the same gourami family as the Honey Gourami, making them excellent tank mates. 

pearl gourami

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Tank Size: 30 gallons (113 liters)
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; pellets, flakes, live and frozen foods
  • Adult Size: Up to 5 inches (12.7 cm)

These gentle fishes enjoy a planted aquarium with room to swim and plenty of hiding spots. Although they’re not too difficult to care for, they may require a bit of extra attention to ensure their diet and water conditions are suitable.


Golden Barb

The Golden Barb, a naturally gold variant of the Tiger Barb, is a small, active fish that makes a lively and colorful addition to a Honey Gourami tank.

golden barb

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons (75 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Semi-aggressive, especially with other barbs
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; enjoys tropical flakes, pellets, and small live or frozen foods
  • Adult Size: 2-3 inches (5-7.6 cm)

Golden Barbs thrive in small schools of at least five. While they are generally peaceful, keeping them with other barbs or in larger schools can help minimize nipping at tank mates. Provide ample swimming area, hiding spots, and a planted environment to ensure their happiness.


Ember Tetra

The Ember Tetra, with its fiery reddish-orange color, is a small and peaceful fish that can brighten any Honey Gourami tank. 

ember tetra

  • Compatibility: 5/5
  • Tank Size: 10 gallons (38 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; prefers small flakes, micro pellet, and live or frozen foods like daphnia and brine shrimp
  • Adult Size: Up to 1 inch (2.5 cm)

These tiny schooling fish do best in groups of eight or more, creating an eye-catching display. They prefer soft, acidic water conditions with plenty of plants and hiding spots, making them a great addition to a Honey Gourami community. Keep water pristine and avoid overcrowding for optimal health.


Guppy Fish

Guppy Fish, known for their brilliant colors and graceful tails, are a popular choice for adding diversity to a Honey Gourami aquarium.

fancy guppy

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Tank Size: 10 gallons (38 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; tropical fish flakes or pellets, supplemented with live or frozen treats like brine shrimp or daphnia
  • Adult Size: Around 2 inches (5 cm)

While Guppies are hardy and adaptable, they thrive in well-maintained water and a planted space with ample swimming area. Keep in mind that they breed prolifically, so consider tank capacity or separate the sexes to prevent overpopulation. Guppies get along well with Honey Gouramis and other peaceful fish species.


Molly Fish

Molly Fish, recognized for their vibrant colors and lively personalities, are another enjoyable companion for Honey Gouramis.

black molly fish

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons (75 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; flakes, algae-based foods, and occasional live or frozen treats like bloodworms or brine shrimp
  • Adult Size: 3-4 inches (7.6-10 cm)

Mollies are easygoing, social fish that appreciate a well-maintained planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots. They can adapt to various conditions, but prefer slightly alkaline to brackish water. Being livebearers, they breed easily, so be prepared for population control or consider separating males and females. Mollies coexist peacefully with Honey Gouramis and other gentle fish.


Platy Fish

Platy Fish, known for their stunning colors, adaptable nature, and mild temperament, make excellent tank mates for Honey Gouramis.

yellow mickey mouse platy

  • Tank Size: 10 gallons (38 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; tropical fish flakes or pellets, with occasional live or frozen treats like bloodworms or brine shrimp
  • Adult Size: Around 2.5 inches (6.4 cm)

These vibrant fish flourish in planted aquariums with hiding spots and clean water. While they adapt to various water parameters, they prefer a stable environment. Since Platies are livebearers, they breed readily–keep this in mind for tank capacity and space. They coexist comfortably with Honey Gouramis, forming a tranquil and colorful community aquarium.



Swordtails, named for the long, sword-like extension on the tails of the males, are a popular choice for pairing with Honey Gouramis.

male swordtail fish

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons (75 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful, but may be slightly aggressive with other male swordtails
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; tropical fish flakes or pellets, complemented with live or frozen treats like bloodworms or brine shrimp
  • Adult Size: 4-5 inches (10-13 cm)

Swordtails are adaptable fish that enjoy planted aquariums with hiding places and open swimming areas. They thrive in clean water with stable parameters. Keep in mind that these livebearers breed easily, so manage potential population growth accordingly. They generally coexist well with Honey Gouramis and other peaceful species.


Zebra Danio

Zebra Danios, distinguished by their striped pattern and energetic nature, add excitement to a Honey Gourami community tank. 

zebra danio

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Tank Size: 10 gallons (38 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful, but highly active
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; tropical fish flakes or pellets, supplemented with live or frozen treats like daphnia, bloodworms, or brine shrimp
  • Adult Size: 2 inches (5 cm)

These lively schooling fish thrive in groups of six or more, requiring a spacious environment with hiding spots, plants, and clean water. Zebra Danios are also known to breed easily in optimal conditions, so consider population management as necessary. They harmoniously coexist with Honey Gouramis and similarly peaceful tank mates.


Kuhli Loach

Kuhli Loaches, known for their striking snake-like appearance and nocturnal behavior, are fascinating tank mates for Honey Gouramis.

Kuhli Loach

  • Compatibility: 5/5
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons (75 liters)
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; sinking pellets or wafers, supplemented with live or frozen foods like bloodworms or tubifex worms
  • Adult Size: 3-4 inches (7.6-10 cm)

These engaging bottom-dwellers prefer hiding spots such as caves, dense plants, or driftwood, to retreat during daylight hours. As social creatures, Kuhli Loaches feel more comfortable in small groups. They favor soft, slightly acidic water conditions and a sandy substrate to prevent injuries. They coexist effortlessly with Honey Gouramis and other peaceable tank mates.


Sparkling Gourami

The Sparkling Gourami, a petite, iridescent gem among fish, is a delightful addition to a Honey Gourami tank.

sparkling gourami

  • Compatibility: 5/5
  • Tank Size: 5 gallons (19 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; high-quality flakes or pellets, complemented with live or frozen foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, or bloodworms
  • Adult Size: 1.5 inches (3.8 cm)

These tiny, shy fish feel secure with hiding spots such as plants, driftwood, or caves. Although Sparkling Gouramis do well in small groups, they may get territorial if overcrowded. They prefer slightly acidic water with good filtration, but can adapt to varying conditions. Sparkling Gouramis seamlessly blend with Honey Gouramis and other tranquil species.


Bristlenose Pleco

The Bristlenose Pleco, easily recognized by its distinct facial bristles, is an excellent bottom-dwelling tank mate for Honey Gouramis. 

bristlenose pleco

  • Compatibility: 5/5
  • Tank Size: 30 gallons (113 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Herbivore; algae wafers, fresh vegetables, occasional protein-rich treats like bloodworms or brine shrimp
  • Adult Size: 4-5 inches (10-13 cm)

Bristlenose Plecos are efficient algae eaters that appreciate hiding spots such as caves, plants, and driftwood. They require good water quality and oxygenation, preferring a moderate water flow. Introduce some driftwood to the tank, as these Plecos enjoy foraging on it. They coexist harmoniously with Honey Gouramis and other non-aggressive species.


Otocinclus Catfish

The Otocinclus Catfish, renowned as a diligent algae eater, is an ideal tank mate for Honey Gouramis.

Otocinclus Catfish

  • Compatibility: 5/5
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons (75 liters)
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Herbivore; algae-based foods, fresh vegetables, cucumbers, blanched zucchini
  • Adult Size: 2 inches (5 cm)

These small, social catfish prefer to be in groups of at least three to feel safe. A planted aquarium with hiding spots, such as driftwood or rocks, ensures their comfort. Pristine water quality and oxygenation are crucial, considering their sensitivity to changes in the environment. Otocinclus Catfish coexist peacefully with Honey Gouramis and other non-aggressive tank mates.


Harlequin Rasbora

The Harlequin Rasbora, distinguished by its vibrant hues and triangular black markings, adds a touch of eye-catching color to a Honey Gourami tank. 

best tank mates for harlequin rasboras

  • Compatibility: 5/5
  • Tank Size: 10 gallons (38 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; high-quality flakes or pellets, with live or frozen foods like daphnia, brine shrimp or bloodworms
  • Adult Size: 2 inches (5 cm)

Harlequin Rasboras thrive in groups of six or more, and enjoy swimming in the middle to upper regions of a planted aquarium with hiding spots. They prefer soft, slightly acidic water conditions and stable temperatures. These peaceful fish make excellent companions for Honey Gouramis and other non-aggressive species.


Zebra Loach

The Zebra Loach, recognized by its eye-catching striped pattern, is an intriguing choice for complementing a Honey Gourami tank. 

zebra loach

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons (75 liters)
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; sinking pellets, supplemented with live or frozen foods like bloodworms, tubifex worms, or brine shrimp
  • Adult Size: 4 inches (10 cm)

These social fish are most at ease in small groups and require a well-decorated aquarium with hiding spots, such as caves, plants, or driftwood. They prefer pristine water quality, a stable temperature, and a soft, sandy substrate. Zebra Loaches are generally peaceful and coexist well with Honey Gouramis and other non-aggressive tank mates.


Neon Tetra

The Neon Tetra, renowned for its electric blue and red colors, is a captivating addition to any Honey Gourami tank. 

Neon Tetra

  • Compatibility: 5/5
  • Tank Size: 10 gallons (38 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; high-quality flakes, micro pellets, and live or frozen foods like brine shrimp or daphnia
  • Adult Size: 1.5 inches (3.8 cm)

Neon Tetras flourish in schools of six or more, displaying a mesmerizing dance as they swim together. A planted aquarium with hiding spots and subdued lighting will help them feel secure. They prefer soft, acidic water conditions and stable temperatures. These small, peaceful fish harmoniously coexist with Honey Gouramis and similarly gentle tank mates.


Celestial Pearl Danio

The Celestial Pearl Danio, admired for its stunning colors and small size, is an enchanting choice for accompanying a Honey Gourami tank. 

celestial pearl danio

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Tank Size: 10 gallons (38 liters)
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; high-quality flakes or pellets, augmented with live or frozen foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, or bloodworms
  • Adult Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)

Celestial Pearl Danios thrive best in groups of six or more, requiring a planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots. They prefer soft water with stable parameters and appreciate a gentle water flow. These tiny, tranquil fish coexist harmoniously with Honey Gouramis and other non-aggressive tank mates, creating a fascinating and colorful display.



Corydoras, known for their cute, whiskered faces and friendly personalities, are a well-loved choice for pairing with Honey Gouramis.

panda corydoras

  • Compatibility: 5/5
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons (75 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; sinking pellets or wafers, supplemented with live or frozen treats like bloodworms or brine shrimp
  • Adult Size: 1-3 inches (2.5-7.6 cm), depending on species

These sociable, bottom-dwelling fish prefer small groups of their own kind, with a soft, sandy substrate to protect their delicate whiskers. A planted aquarium with hiding spots is essential for their well-being. Corydoras thrive in clean water with stable temperatures and enjoy living peacefully alongside Honey Gouramis and other gentle species.


Cherry Barb

The Cherry Barb, with its vibrant red hue and peaceful nature, is an attractive tank mate for Honey Gouramis.

Cherry Barb

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons (75 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; high-quality flakes or pellets, supplemented with live or frozen foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp
  • Adult Size: 2 inches (5 cm)

Cherry Barbs appreciate being part of a small school, where they can swim and interact with others of their kind. A well-planted aquarium with hiding spots and moderate water flow provides them with a comfortable environment. They coexist harmoniously with Honey Gouramis, creating a lively and colorful community aquarium.


Rummy Nose Tetra

The Rummy Nose Tetra, identified by its vivid red nose and striking black-and-white striped tail, is a striking companion for Honey Gouramis.

Rummy Nose Tetra

  • Compatibility: 4/5
  • Tank Size: 20 gallons (75 liters)
  • Care Level: Moderate
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; high-quality flakes or pellets, bolstered with live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp or daphnia
  • Adult Size: 2 inches (5 cm)

These energetic schooling fish prefer groups of six or more, thriving in well-decorated aquariums with places to hide and open areas to swim. Rummy Nose Tetras require pristine water conditions and stable temperatures to remain healthy. They peacefully coexist with Honey Gouramis, adding delightful movement to the tank.


Black Neon Tetra

The Black Neon Tetra, admired for its eye-catching horizontal stripe and metallic green sheen, is an enthralling addition to a Honey Gourami tank.

Black Neon Tetra tank mates

  • Compatibility: 5/5
  • Tank Size: 10 gallons (38 liters)
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Diet & Feeding: Omnivore; high-quality flakes, micro pellets, and live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia or bloodworms
  • Adult Size: 1.5 inches (3.8 cm)

Black Neon Tetras flourish in schools of six or more and enjoy swimming in the middle of the tank. A well-decorated aquarium with hiding spots, plants, and dim lighting suits their needs. They prefer soft, slightly acidic water conditions and stable temperatures. These peaceful fish coexist effortlessly with Honey Gouramis and other non-aggressive tank mates.


In conclusion, there are numerous fascinating and colorful species suitable for a Honey Gourami tank. Consider your tank’s size, inhabitants, and conditions, and you can create a thriving ecosystem. What’s your favorite Honey Gourami tank mate? Share in the comments below!

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